Thursday, July 4, 2013


Do you guys wear skirts? Skirts with patterns? What do you guys think of this? You can replace blue and purple on this outfit for almost any other two colors. Do you like bows? I do! Do you wear an outfit with bows on it and people look at you like you need to grow up? Well, if they do then they need to de-grow up. Childhood is some of the best year of your life, live them  as long as you can. Don't rush to grow up.

This may not look like it, but the bottom of this dress is made of feathers. I wasn't quite sure how to make it look like feathers. Feathers are flowey, feathers add a bounce. A pop that other textiles just don't add. It has a plain top as to not distract from the feathers and create to many things happening at once.
P.S. If you havn't noticed, I like to make up words some times. de-grow up? I don't think that's a thing. Flowey? I really don't know, but I obviously didn't spell it right.

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